Sign our petition to tell President Trump to veto any bills with Dream Act, DACA, or Immigration Reform Amnesty that grants any illegals legal status or citizenship.
"We the undersigned, hereby inform President Donald J. Trump that we will no longer support or vote for him or any member of Congress who supports Dream Act, DACA, or Immigration reform Amnesty for illegal immigrants, or passes anymore laws like the February 15, 2019, budget bill which denied US citizens a chance to even know what is in the bill! We define AMNESTY as any change in America's current laws which waives current penalties such as deportation for illegal aliens, accommodates them, grants them legal status, or a pathway to citizenship and voting rights. We will not vote for or support any Democrat or Republican including President Trump unless they oppose, vote against, and veto any form of Amnesty for illegals."
Petition to tell President Trump to veto any bill containing any form of Amnesty for illegals.

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